[Activities] | 2015/01/05 | 2015 Taiwan Brand Acceleration: Hong Kong Edition |
[Certification] | 2014/08/02 | This functional textiles product verification procedure has been certified by the Taiwan Accreditation Foundation (TAF), and has been awarded the product verification agency certification. |
[Activities] | 2014/07/30 | 2014 Cinte Techtextil |
[Certification] | 2014/06/05 | Post the newly revised verification standards of the “FTTS-FA-019 Instant cool feeling fabric” |
[Activities] | 2013/05/15 | http://techtextil.messefrankfurt.com/frankfurt/en/besucher/willkommen.html |
[Activities] | 2013/05/15 | http://www.globalsources.com/TRADESHOW/CHINA-SOURCING-FAIRS/MIAMI.HTM |
[Activities] | 2012/09/28 | TITAS 2012, October 16-18, Taipei World Trade Center Nangang Exhibition Hall,Booth no.L614 |
[Activities] | 2012/03/14 | 2012 April 24-26 Techtextil North America Booth/2246 |
[Activities] | 2012/03/13 | 2012 April 18-21 STCF:15th STRAITS TEXTILE CLOTHING FAIR |
[Activities] | 2012/03/13 | 2012 China Sourcing Fair / Hong Kong Booth/11L16 |
Address:13F,TTFBuilding, 22 AiGuo East RoadTaipei 100, Taiwan, R.O.C.Taiwan Textile Federation.
Tel:(02)2341-7251 Fax:(02)2392-3855
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