FTTS-FA-001 Antibacterial Textiles for General Use
FTTS-FA-002 Antibacterial Textiles for Medical Use
FTTS-FA-003 Electromagnetic Shielding Textiles
FTTS-FA-004 Moisture Transferring and Quick Drying Textiles
FTTS-FA-005 Water-Vapor Permeable and Liquid-Water Impermeable Textiles
FTTS-FA-006 Antifungal Textiles
FTTS-FA-007 Wrinkle Free Textiles
FTTS-FA-008 Ultraviolet Protective Textiles
FTTS-FA-009 Antistatic Textiles
FTTS-FA-010 Far Infrared Textiles
FTTS-FA-011 Water Repellent Textiles
FTTS-FA-012 Oil Repellent Textiles
FTTS-FA-013 Stain Release Textiles
FTTS-FA-015 Flame-Resistant Textiles
FTTS-FA-016 Charcoal Contained Filler Fiber Textiles for Warmth Retention
FTTS-FA-017 Deodorization for Charcoal Contained Filler Textiles
FTTS-FA-018 Deodorized Textiles
FTTS-FA-019 Cool Feeling Textiles
FTTS-FA-020 Liquid Moisture Management Properties of Textile Fabrics
FTTS-FA-023 Generating Heat-Textiles
FTTS-FA-027 Antibacterial Activity of Textiles
FTTS-GA-024 FTTS-GA-024 Cycling Clothing
FTTS-GA-025 FTTS-GA-025 Jogging Clothing
FTTS-GA-026 FTTS-GA-026 Energy-saving Clothing
2022/7/4 2022 avantex PARIS
2022/5/17 2022 Techtextil North America
2020/1/26 2020 ISPO Munich
Address:13F,TTFBuilding, 22 AiGuo East RoadTaipei 100, Taiwan, R.O.C.Taiwan Textile Federation. Tel:(02)2341-7251 Fax:(02)2392-3855 Recommended browsing mode 1024x768 IE6.0 or higher. Copyright2018 TFT.All Rights Reserved.